But it's only March - do I already need to book my summer event?

Many customers wait until a week, or a couple of weeks, before their event to call us. That's ok during our off season, and we can usually get you the equipment you want. However, if you're looking for a weekend between May and September, it's a whole different ballgame. There are dates that we are already blacked out for delivered or staffed events. Why?
Well, it's a variety of reasons. First, it can be an equipment issue. We have a ton of different inflatable and game options, but there are limited quantities of individual pieces of equipment. Bigger pieces, like the Wacky Millennium Obstacle Course, are first come first serve. On the other hand, we do have several 40' Obstacle Courses - but you wont get one on a Friday if you call in May or June. It's field day season, and those are the most popular options with our school customers. |
Second, and most importantly, it can be a staffing issue. Our people are AWESOME, and they seem to pull off magic a lot, but they can't be in more than one place at a time, as hard as we try. We are limited, especially when it comes to delivery personnel and supervisors. A lot of the time, we can try to work with you to drop your equipment off a day or so before your event, or have you hold on to it until a day or two after to make it work. A favorite quote around here - we can always find more equipment, but we can't knit good people.
What can you do to help ensure you get the event you want?
- Decide your date early - 6 months in advance sounds like a long time, but it goes quick!
- Call us with your date and equipment wants - we will hold what is available for you and put together a price quote.
- We will then work together as the event draws closer to lock down the details. You have until 4 weeks before the event to finalize.
- Sign your contract! This is an important step, as this is what notifies logistics to assign staff, create loading sheets, etc.
- Find those volunteers! If your event is not fully staffed by Fun Services, you will want volunteers for set up and tear down, as well as during the event. We will let you know how many you need, if it helps!
- Have a great event! Relax, knowing your event is in the hands of a company with over 50 years of experience!